Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why Suffer?

Finally, Here I am! It has been crazy these last couple of weeks and it is getting crazier. I have been thinking alot about sufffering and adversity watching my parents go through what they are going through. What benefits are there to suffering? We know that Christ took upon himself our infirmities that he might have mercy towards us (Alma 7:12). So who could know us better than someone who has experienced all of our pains, illnesses, sorrows and anquish. The Lord truely does know us completely because he has experienced it. So I'm thinking that throught our suffering that we also may come to know our Savior more. We can have a greater love and understanding of Him because we can understand His suffering which he experienced personally for us. More of my thoughts, When we experience suffering with a humble and submissive attitude we become more inclinded to be receptive to being taught through the spirit. We are more in tune to recieve personal revelation because we become totally dependent and teachable. We can deny ourselves these expierences if we become angry or feel that we are being picked on or that we are being treated unfairly. The best thing is to always be humble ,meek, and submissive. What say you on this subject? Lots of love, Mom


  1. I think more people question why some suffer so much more that others rather than why we suffer at all. We have all seen the results of suffering in increased love, patience, and humility or the excact opposite depending on how we endure. It really does take a correct eternal prospective to even come close to understanding why some suffer more than others. And even with that correct eternal prospective there are no definite answers to this question. We just need to have total faith that a loving Father in Heaven is really in charge and he does understand perfectly. Our lifes experiences are cut out for us individually. I heard Elder Neil Maxwell say once that the Lord micro-manages our lives and I believe He does. My final related thought is a quote from President Thomas S. Monson. This is from a talk that he gave in the General Womans Meeting in September of 2007. "Do not pray for tasks equal to your abilities, but pray for abilities equal to your tasks. Then the performance of your tasks will be not miracle, but you will be the miracle." Pray for strength to endure all things well. I love you all and am so pleased that I can call you all my children.

    Love DAD

  2. This is Dad and after reading my post there are a couple of typos. (woops) Ignore the first c I entered on exact and in President Monsons quote just ignore the t in the will be no miracle. Remember perfection is a process.
    Have a great day


  3. Some people suffer like...the Dallas Cowboys, but when the Cowboys are suffering, there are always something good that is happening to you like...Boise State.
    Thank goodness for Boise State!!

  4. Morning sickness isn't exactly "suffering," but, it’s definitely lousy. I have wondered why I need to endure such a severe case of it. I don’t know why, but I do know that I can use the experience to grow closer to my Savior.
    I know that I am dependent on the Lord. On several occasions, after going a couple days without keeping much food down, I reached a point where I knew that I was not strong enough. Each time, as I laid my sorrows before the Lord, a miracle happened in my life that buoyed me up.
    I know that the Lord loves me. One thought that helps me as I feel ill is to look at how much I love my children. I would do anything for them! The Savior suffered immeasurably more than I did, willingly, so that I might live with Him again. He loves me in a way that I only begin to understand in the love I have for my children.
    I am also deeply grateful that the Lord has designed our minds to forget pain. I know that in a month from now my discomfort will be a vague memory. I will know that I experienced morning sickness, but I will not be able to feel it. If this is not an actual application of the atonement, where the Lord takes my sickness, it is certainly a type of how the atonement works.

  5. Maggie- I do believe that pregnancy and morning sickness are suffering. (I hope you are feeling better.) It just doesn't seem like suffering because it is for such a worth while cause. I don't know if this is a related subject but why does it seem like after we have such great spiritual experiences we then have some of our greatest lows. I know it is Satan working on us because he doesn't want us to be happy. This week has definitly been one that has had some pretty high highs and some pretty low lows. I just know that through it all our Father in heaven is there for us. It is easy to remember Him during the lows, but we also need to remember Him during the good times and give Him our thanks. I love you all and I will remember to thank Heavenly Father for such a wonderful family.

