Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Challenge

Hello my family!

This is the first time I have been on the internet in over a month because there is only dial-up access in our neighborhood and we opted not to get it. I just caught up on all the reading of your posts and feel overwhelmed with my love for my family. You each strengthen me so much by your example. I love you all and wish I could do this more. I had the intention of posting to each one of your entries, but I feel to share an experience of mine and issue a challenge. Please forgive me if I am going out of turn or stepping on Richard's toes. I just don't know when I will get much internet time again.

I hope I am not the only one that this happens to, but lately I have felt that me prayers and scripture study were becoming more routine rather than something from my heart. Based on counsel from Elder Scott's April conference address, I decided to read and study about the Savior's atonement. For the last week I have only read those scriptures that talk specifically about the atonement--the accounts in the gospels, Isaiah, and others. This experience has changed my heart. I have felt more sensitive to the Spirit, to the needs of my family, and to the changes that need to happen in my life.

I challenge each of you to find a time to do this. I know that the Lord will bless you with an added measure of His spirit. You can feel free to comment on your experience or your testimony. I probably won't be able to read them for a while anyway.

I love you all!



  1. Kim, that is a great challenge, It is important that we don't get to routine in our studies. We could study any topic the same way to increase our total understanding. Studying the atonement would be an awesome undertaking, wow, so much to learn. It is great to hear your message this week, and to have you on board. (Tell Nate to overlook my mistakes in grammer and or spelling.) Kim's message will be our comment for this week and Momma England will take next Sunday. This stuff is so great guys!
    Love, Mom

  2. I have to apologize to Amanda and Richard for not posting on their comments, I read them with the intention of doing so then something pulled me away from the computer and I never got back to it. As to loving our neighbor, I think we can show them love by being the best examples of gospel living we can be, and showing sincere concern for them. Richard, thank you for posting your thoughts as I have had similar ones and thanks to all the comments because I have benefited from them too.

    Thank you Kim for the challenge. I have thought a lot about basing our family home evenings on the life of the Savior so that my family can come to know Christ better. If I study His atonement on my own, I can see how this would help me to better teach my family of Him.

    This gospel is true! I have felt overwhelmed today with gratitude that I have this blessing in my life. When you contemplate all the people who are on the earth and ever have been, and to know how few have had the fullness of the gospel, how lucky are we to have it in our lives. I know it is way easy to take it for granted, but we shouldn't. Lets allow this precious gift to influence every aspect of our lives, and lets be more diligent in gospel study and living.


  3. Did you all know that the word atonement appears only once in the New Testament? It appears 55 times in the Book of Mormon. What a testimony to the restoration. Can there be any doubt that the Book of Mormon is a second witness of the Savior, and that many plan and precious truths were again taught through that great book? I love the Savior and am so greatful that the truths of His Atonement are again amongst us.

    Love DAD
