Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday went flying by


Monday is here. I missed my Sunday entry cause ---whoosh---. Life is really moving. I have only heard from Maggie and Kim the last couple of weeks. Kim, don't fret over the missionaries visiting you and "encouraging" you to do missionary work. That's what they do. Nurture and feed them. Your responsibility is to raise 3 boys and a girl (Yea) and to look after your good husband and share your testimony with people every chance you get (and sometimes use words). You are a great example of the blessings of Gospel living just by the life you led. This is definitely a don't worry, be happy. Maggie, it really made my day last week when Darren called to tell me he could make a pop sound with finger and lips and Laura told me she loved me. I'm a very blessed GrandPa. I love all my Grandchildred.
Now for some Preachin. Elder Andersons talk, which is the concluding talk of April 2010 conference, really hit the mark. We need to tell our children the stories of Jesus. This will help build in them great faith in their Savior. All of our little ones need to be very familiar with the life of Jesus. In these stories are great hope for each of us. As we tell these stories over and over again our faith will increase along with theirs. Each of you read this talk and apply it to your family. I will do the same.
I love you all, keep smiling.



  1. It was fun for me to read Elder Andersen's talk while thinking of my boys. It seemed that so much of conference was about teaching and loving our children/youth. The thing that struck me most were all the questions he asked (one the second page) about if your children think about so many different aspects about the Savior. I started to think about how frequently I think about our Savior in those specific ways. Can we really teach our children about Christ if those stories are not in our hearts and minds? And then, not only are we strengthened in our testimony while we bear it, but children are so good at bearing testimony back. When Austin learned about the Godhead in primary, I'm not sure how many times he would say things like, "I know the Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead" and "I know the Holy Ghost can dwell with us because he doesn't have a body." True family gospel teaching is an eternal round, isn't it.

    Dad, thanks for the comments about the missionaries. I really do want to do my part. It is comforting knowing you advise. Thanks.

  2. I am finally here. I haven't read the blog for a month. I have repented and caught up on all my reading. After that I am more determined to tell my children the stories of Jesus. Now I am just waiting for the next episode of England Family Preachin'. Don't tell me it went off air already.

  3. It took me 2 weeks, but I finally reread that talk today. And Kim said exactly what I felt as I read it. I think one of the ways to teach our children about Christ is to know him ourselves. Not just know about him. Each of the stories of Jesus that Elder Andersen spoke of he applied to the lives of our children. I know the stories of Jesus. But am I using them? Later he said "As you reverently speak of the Savior - in the car, on the bus, at the dinner table.. - the spirit of the Lord will accompany your words." It occured to me that the promise will only work if I am speaking and thinking of the Savior in the car and dinner table. Often I spend my time in the car thinking about the dork that cut me off and the time at the dinner table thinking about spills or whether the meal turned out right.
    As he introduced the talk he spoke of our children's potential and then warned us that we are living in troubled times. One example he gave of our troubled times was interesting to me. "We are surrounded by so much that is designed to divert our attention."

    What I felt as I read the talk was that I can't afford to be diverted. The Savior must always be first in my life and the lives of my children every day.

  4. Hey this is Maggie again. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate these blog posts.
    My current calling is in the nursery (which I love) but one thing I miss out on is adult conversation and insights about the gospel. I REALLY love the posts and comments. I feel so lucky to have such a great family.

    I know it's hard to come up with something to write about every week though,so I have an idea and would be interested to know what you think.

    After you log into your blog you can click over to "settings" and then on that screen click on "permissions." On that screen there is an option to "Add an author"

    If you would like, I think it would be kindof cool to invite everyone to "be an author"
    When everyone is an author we could either allow people to post whenever they have something to share (whether it's three times a week or once a month) or assign a week and topic to each family. Dad can post every week, every other week, or once a month depending on his schedule and then other family members can fill in the other weeks. Maybe even get the older grandkids to type a quick testimony.

    Just an idea. Love you!


  5. I like Maggie's ideas there about the posts. Mostly, I want to make sure things keep going. I just live off discussions like these sometimes.


  6. I am back again this week. Church was really fulfilling today. I gave a lesson in YW about fasting. I used to think of it more as a chore but I really think that I am starting to gain a testimony of fasting. I love my Savior and I am always looking for ways to strengthen my relationship with him. Beening close to family, even if it is through the internet, really helps me feel a Christ-like love.

