Sunday, September 19, 2010

"Love Thy Neighbour"

In the scriptures it says that the first and great commandment is to love God and the second is to "love thy neighbour as thyself." Matthew 22:36-40
We want to become like Christ and have Christ-like attributes. To have love for everyone sounds simple, but how do you love someone you don't even know? How do you love angry or rude people?
The other day on campus as I was walking to my class I was observing everyone around me. I didn't seem to be the only stressed and frazzled looking student. Then right out of the blue a woman smiled at me for no apparent reason. Her smile made me feel good. She showed love to someone she didn't know. This woman did something so small, but so powerful. What are some other things we can do to show love for people. Why is it hard to do so?
These are just a few thoughts that have been on my mind this week. Can't wait to hear from you all. Amanda.


  1. Thank you for your thoughts, Amanda. I have found that sometimes my neighbors can get on my nerves. When this happens I find myself getting annoyed just at the sight of them or their kids. I know this sounds horrible and it made me feel horrible too. I decided to try redirecting my thoughts. When I would come in contact with them, I would think how much I loved them or that I hoped they had a good day even if at first my heart wasn't really into it. I found that after doing this only two or three times I started to really feel like my thoughts were governing my feelings. Not only did my reaction to seeing them change but I felt like I actually want to serve them and be the reason they had a good day. I would encourage anyone to try this with any person they may consider an enemy or just someone they don't want to be around.
    Love you all,

  2. A thought I have has to do with how we feel about ourselves. Remember the scripture says to love thy neighbor as thyself. I think sometimes we are pretty hard on ourselves. Now how does that effect our ability to love our neighber? If we are not feeling good feelings about ourselves we have a difficult time feelings about our neighbors. So be kind to yourself, and you will find it easier to be kind to others.

    Love DAD

  3. Sorry it took so long to reply. It's been a crazy week. But aren't they all crazy?

    The thing that helps me love my neighbor, and everyone else I encounter each day, is to keep an eternal perspective. I just remind myself that each and every person on this earth chose to follow the Savior in the pre-existence, and came to earth with the desire to progress and one day return to God's presence to be with him and be like him. That changes the way I feel about others, and the way I treat them. It also makes it easier to share the gospel.

    Also, I like Kaylene's comment about making a conscious decision to love people. One experience on my mission really taught me this lesson. One morning while tracting, a young couple let us come in and we started teaching the first discussion. After awhile, it became obvious that they weren't very interested, and in fact they were kind of mocking what we had to say. Then I started to notice that their house was messy and their kids misbehaved, and I started wishing we could leave. We were wasting our time, and besides, I didn't even like these people.
    Then I remembered that at the door I had said we were representatives of Jesus Christ. I though about what He would do if He were in that home, and what He would feel towards them. The moment I opened my heart to receive the love the Savior could provide, and desired to represent His love, immediately my soul was filled with a strong, intense love and concern for these people and their eternal welfare. I instantaneously loved them with a love that was as real as any I've ever felt.
    Through that experience, I've come to learn what Nephi meant when he said "He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh." (2 Ne 4:21) If we truly have a desire to love and open our hearts to it, we will be filled, not just with love, but with HIS love, which is charity, the pure love of Christ.

  4. I know that the more I serve someone the more I love them. To overcome ill feelings the best thing to do is to serve them and to pray for them and to also pray that we may have a change of heart. Along with Dad's thoughts, the more we serve others the more our own burdens are lifted and the better we feel, including how we feel about ourselves. Maybe that is why the Savior loves us so, who has served us more than He? Love, Mom

  5. In Doctrine and Covenants 88 we are told "cease to find fault one with another" Just this last Saturday President Monson taught the RS to not judge others harshly. If we are focused on the shortcomings of others it is impossible to show true love to them. In contrast, as we bring to mind their strengths it is easy to love them for those strengths.
