I taught a lesson in young womens this last Sunday on knowledge. (I think when I was done I breathed a huge sigh of relief and that is why I forgot to post this yesterday. Oops) One of the points I made in my talk was taken from an article by Elder Bednar published in the Feb 2010 Ensign. It was based on the revelation that teaches us "the glory of God is intelligence"(D&C 93:36). Elder Bednar tells us that one of the meanings of the word intelligence in this scripture is "the application of the knowledge we obtain for righteous purposes". This thought really made me stop and evaluate my own behavior in my life and how well do I apply the priciples of the gospel to my everyday activities. I gave the example of touching a hot stove. The first time I touch it and learn that it is hot, I have gained knowledge. If I continue to touch the stove I would not be considered very smart, but if I apply my knowledge and discontinue touching the stove then I have become intelligent. I know this is a simple analogy, but I would encourage all of us to evaluate ourselves and consider how well we apply our knowledge of the gospel to our lives. I would say that each of us have a lot of gospel knowledge. Lets take that knowledge and focus on being gospel intelligent. I truely love each one of you and image everyday the good works you are performing all over the world. You are all great examples to me. I hope we will take this next week and really think about doing the things the Savior would do if he were here.
Lots of love,
Monday, September 6, 2010
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Great thoughts Kaylene. Let me share something with all of you I have come to understand in this regard over the years. It comes from a verse I know you are all aware of. In the Doctrine and Covenants Section 130 Verse 19 we read:
ReplyDelete"And if a person gains more (1)knowledge and (2)intelligence in this life through his (1)diligence and (2)obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come." (I've added the (1)'s and the (2)'s.)
I believe that this verse teaches us that knowledge comes through diligence and intelligence comes through obedience.
Let us all be committed to being obedient to the knowledge that God has blessed us with that we may increase in intelligence.
I love you all
Kaylene's and Dad's comments started me thinking about intelligence, what it is and how it is acquired. Consider the following verses.
ReplyDeleteD&C 93:36 "The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth."
D&C 93:28 "He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things."
D&C 50:24 "That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."
D&C 84:45 "For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ."
Then read D&C 88:5-13. Then, if you really want to have a great experience, study D&C 93:1-40 along with the King Follett Discourse.
To summarize, it seems that intelligence = truth = light = Spirit. We learn that our spirits were formed from intelligence (Abraham 3, D&C 93:29). Joseph Smith taught that our spirits are coeternal with God, and we have the potential to progress to become like Him. How do we do that? By gaining more light and truth and intelligence until we are glorified with the intelligence that glorifies Him. Again, Joseph Smith taught that you can recognize revelation "when you feel pure intelligence flowing into you" (TPJS pg. 151); also, that the things of God are "revealed to our spirits precisely as though we had no bodies at all" (TPJS pg. 355). Thus, intelligence is something we ARE, and something that will change what be BECOME.
P.S. Just a side thought . . . Ever wonder why God said "Let there be light", saw that it was good and divided it from the darkness on the first day of creation, but the sun and moon and stars weren't created until the fourth day?
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ReplyDeleteWow Craig! I think that’s gonna take me awhile to digest. Oh, say, at least a lifetime to really understand it. That is one of the things I love about the gospel. There is no end to learning and growth. When I was young I remember listening to my brother complain to my parents as we sat down to read the Book of Mormon together. He said that it was boring to read the same thing over and over and he had heard these stories before.
ReplyDeleteMy 11 year old brother was willing to sit through scriptures because he knew it was right, but he already knew everything, and didn’t want to know more. Contrast that with 1 Nephi 11 where Nephi receives an amazing vision from the Lord. At the beginning of Nephi’s vision and also a few verses later Nephi is asked what he wants and responds that he wants knowledge. Then he was asked “Knowest thou the condescension of God?” I love his response! “I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.”
As we approach gospel learning, in the scriptures and in the temple we need to go in with the same attitude as Nephi. I want to know the mysteries of God, and I don’t know everything. Follow that desire and humility with the diligence that Dad mentioned and we will receive gospel knowledge. Kaylene called the next step application and Dad called it obedience. A few of the scriptures that Craig shared spoke of a person who ‘keepeth the commandments’ and ‘continueth in God.’ That person gains light and truth beyond the initial knowledge repeatedly until ultimately they are like our Heavenly Father.
How often have we gone to a sacrament meeting or even a temple session with the same attitude as my brother? It’s right, so I’ll do it, but I’ve heard this before. Really, if you aren’t like Heavenly Father yet, you’ve got a few more things to learn. If we approach each of those sacred experiences with the same attitude that Nephi had, we will have experiences no less miraculous than his vision.
I'm loving the comments. Just wanted to say that we want to hear from mom as well as dad. Love you!
ReplyDeleteI'm not even going to attempt to try to match the depth of everyone's comments, but I will take time to review over it and hopefully increase my knowledge of intelligence. I might need to print it out and take my time (very awesome thoughts shared so far). The one thought that I have been having is what role does self-discipline play in the inquiring of intelligence? The world would teach us that you should give into any desires and whims you might have, and how would that impede our progress in becoming more like our Heavenly Father? Truly intelligence does come through obedience. Love you all!
I love the message and all the comments. I have wondered about the light being divided from the darkness and then the on the 4th day the celestial bodies were created. I must ask myself with the light I have been given,how do I apply it or how obiedent am I to that light? I cant help but think of Elder Scott's conference talk when in relating his studying experience. After recieving instruction through the spirit, he asked "Lord, is there more?" Then Elder Scott recieved more. How beautiful! I will make this a practice in my life and encourage all to do the same. Let's recieve more light!
ReplyDeleteLove, Mom
We have all heard the phrase "Knowledge is power", But what if we changed it to Knowledge is priesthood power? Think about that.
ReplyDeleteAnd how bout Boise State.